Information letter Committees Important dates Program Accomodation Registration place location Organizers

Registration fee

Registration fee

The early registration fee (if paid before April 15 inclusive) is 7,000 rubles.

The early registration fee for undergraduate and graduate students is 3,500 rubles.

The registration fee when paid after April 15 is 10,000 and 5,000 rubles, respectively.

The registration fee for an accompanying person is 1,500 rubles.

Registration fees will be accepted by the conference partner LLC «Северное сияние»

Details for paying the registration fee:

ИНН: 1001241346/ КПП: 100101001

ОГРН 1101001012859 , ОКПО 69554628

БИК 048602673


Корр. счет 30101810600000000673

Р. сч 40702810425000001781

ATTENTION! When transferring the registration fee using these details, be sure to indicate the name of the participant and the name of the conference, for example:

Registration fee for the PMDM2024 conference participant Ivanova I.

After paying the registration fee, please inform the organizing committee by sending a copy of the payment receipt to